My Earthquake Alerts keep you informed and prepared in the event of an earthquake. With the app, you can set custom alerts for when an earthquake of a certain magnitude occurs near your location. You can download My Earthquake Alerts free on this page.

The app uses US Geological Survey (USGS) data to provide a comprehensive list of seismic events around the world and provides detailed information about each event, including its magnitude, location, depth, and intensity level. Take control of your safety and be instantly alerted if any seismic activity happens near you with push notifications. By having this advanced warning, you can take the necessary precaution to stay safe. Additionally, the app features helpful safety tips on how best to prepare for an earthquake before it happens.

My Earthquake Alerts is user-friendly, with an intuitive design and comprehensive maps that provide detailed insight into the location of seismic activity. Download it now and stay informed on seismic activity in your area!